Get More Business From Email Marketing

Relevance Is The Function of Email Marketing

When used properly email marketing has become an effective tool for businesses to communicate their products, services, announcements, events, and specialties to captive and relevant audiences.  People love receiving relevant, timely emails from companies that seem to be in tune with their needs and future plans.

Below is an example of a recent email from that offers free daily quotes of inspiration to thousands of people around the world.  Quite often recipients of these emails will reply back with stories of how these daily quotes and exercises have transformed their lives, helped them through serious health issues, or salvaged a personal relationship.

Daily Quotes of Inspiration

Engage Prospects At The Right Time

Trusted broadcast email service providers like MailChimp, ConstantContact, and iContact offer a variety of tools and options for organizations to utilize email marketing services.  However, the team at MailChimp has taken a huge step towards marketing automation for its customers by offering a new featured called Goals.

How It Works

MailChimp asks you to add a special code to your website and blog.  Then, you are asked to set up a goal for your entire email audience, or, a segment thereof.

Goals by MailChimp

When a subscriber on your email list visits a designated landing page or “Goal” they are sent an email crafted with a message of your own design.

Many businesses struggle with listening to their audience and attempting to engage in a conversation at the right time or “buying moment”.  With this new monitoring feature from MailChimp, your email marketing can begin to do that for your organization.

Do The Math

Depending upon your industry the average email list possesses an open rate of 1% to 40%.  This means that a large portion of most email subscribers never see an email that has been sent to them.  With Goals in place, your company will not feel like it is ignoring this important segment of your audience.

What would the results be for your company if it could reach the untouched 60% to 80% of its email subscriber list?

Your Next Email Broadcast

Are you seeking greater results from your next email broadcast?  Consider implementing Goals for your organization, or, contact us a we will do it for you!

 Contact BizHive - (248) 662-5323


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